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Imagine a platform that keeps curating contact info while messaging to the masses.
Your contacts hear consistent & captivating offers. Your customers stay informed.
That Platform is Pixy

Lead Generation

Customer Acquisition

Political Springboard

I want my messages to tower above competitors
I need a list of decision makers & their contact info
& with a Price point lower than Google, Facebook, TV

Intelligent & Integrative Platforms Driven by AI and Deep Machine Learning 

25 + years of Campaign Success w/ Hundreds of Brands like:

rough trade records.jpg

1. push notifications

2. sms

3. mms

4. drip campaigns

5. & our secret sauce

Pixy is a transformative enterprise. The proprietary algorithm converts unstructured data into structured user profiles. Now everyday business, non-profits and political organizations can message to their core groups in the right context, with the right meaning & at the right time.

Predictive Analytics, the Future Figured Out



 & Values


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Meet Pixy a next-generation technology stack designed from the ground up. Pixy transforms unstructured data and through her [conversion/curation] algorithm, Pixy pinpoints individuals that occupy prototypes. Pixy uses social listening and proprietary data acquisition tools that are GDPR compliant. Moreover, the algorithm uses consumer data and demographics to identify the interests of specific individuals or sub groups of like-minded individuals for influencing thoughts, actions and agendas. For example,  #ProLife #EndAbortion #NeverTrump #ForeverTrump #NRA #EndGunViolence #DeepState #DeepFake #SkiPowder #MoabUtah #AvidGolfer #BetNFL #MeToo #MoveOn #FoxNews #FixedNews #WineSnob #Vegan #Carnivore #Foodie #CraftBeer #LegalizeIt #NoMarijuana #ProLife #EndAbortion #Bitcoin #Ethereum #NoFracking #OilGas


1. social listening

2. vast data sources

3. millions of records

4. micro-targeting

5. geo marketing


1. data in buckets

2. profiles by filters & tags

3. lean detection / preference barometer

4. conversion algorithm

5. consumer data and demographics


1. email blasts, drips

2. text campaigns

3. social campaigns

4. loyalty programs

5. retargeting

Secure Architecture for acquiring, analyzing, curating & dispatching data of any kind, from any network.

We acquire, curate and dispatch data to give our clients a towering advantage in their messaging and their reach.

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